
Tuesday, December 11, 2012

A Little Lesson in Voice Use

One of my favorite things to do during my ACT week (indirect) each month is to visit classrooms and conduct mini lessons on a variety of topics in the speech and language world.  One of the classroom teachers' favorites is the lesson I provide on voice use and projection.  One of my teacher friends has been "talking me and this lesson up" to SLPs in other districts recently which has resulted in SLPs connecting with me to share this particular lesson.

I present the lesson via Notebook for SmartBoards with some opportunity for interactive activities for the students, but have transferred it to  PowerPoint since it is used more universally.


The Coughing Sound = K

Lucky Me!  We are nearing the halfway point of the school year and over the past two weeks I have been fortunate enough to celebrate a few "graduations," as well as add several new students to my caseload.  A few of the newbies are what us SLPs like to call "fronters."  This just means the students use a fronted tongue position when producing sounds, so a 'k' comes out as a 't' or a 'g' comes out a 'd.'  It can be very difficult for these kiddos to find and use accurate tongue placement in the back of their throat for the /k/ and /g/ so here is another great resource from Heard in Speech


Friday, December 7, 2012

Tips and Tricks for /S/ and /L/


Here are a few handy handouts to help your child practice and you monitor his/her productions of the /s/ and /l/ sounds at home.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Everyone Loves a Board Game

Thanks to Rebecca Visintin of Adventures In Speech Pathology I have found another great resource for practicting targeted speech sounds at home. 

You can find printable board games for FREE that target each consonant sound in the English language in the initial, medial and final positions of words.  What a great way to enjoy a little competition and monitor your child's efforts in speech all at the same time :) 

You can find the link here:  Articulation Board Games

In additon, for those students working on enriching their language skills, you can incorporate the following resources into everyday activities and while reading together.

Descriptive Language Bookmark
Reading Comprehension Check