Teaming and Training
I have been implementing a 3:1 service delivery model for speech/language services for approximately four years. The concept of a 3:1 model is that direct services (DS) are provided for three (3) consecutive weeks of the month (or 15 consecutive school days) followed by a fourth week of indirect services (ID) (5 consecutive school days).
My ACT week activities often include the following:
· Consult with teachers, paras, parents, specialists and outside agencies
· Observe students across school settings
· Develop materials for student use at home, in the classroom, and/or for therapy sessions
· Complete student evaluations
· Provide ongoing direct service to students if needed
· 3rd party billing
· Participate/facilitate monthly district speech meetings
· Provide in-service and training to staff
· Analyze student's data toward achievement of goals
· Provide mini lessons within classrooms
Over the past four years, I have found this service delivery model to be highly beneficial in my students' making progress in meeting their goals and objectives.